2010s, Awards, Diversity, Interns & Employment, Leadership, Undergrad Students, Women Engineers Shelby Bice wins Layton Scholarship Author Carlyn Chatfield Date January 23, 2019 Shelby Bice, (CS, Visual and Dramatic Arts ’19), is one of the winners of...
2010s, Diversity, Interns & Employment, Leadership, Undergrad Students, Women Engineers Gabby Jackson: the Open Doors of Computing Author Carlyn Chatfield Date January 18, 2019 Computer Science has opened many doors of opportunity for Gabby Jackson (CS ’20). The...
1990s, Alumni, CEO/CTO/Founder/President/VP, Interns & Employment, Leadership, Undergrad Students Kirk Talbott: Public Sector CIO Author Carlyn Chatfield Date January 3, 2019 “For someone who loves solving problems, the public sector provides fascinating challenges,” said Kirk...
1990s, Alumni, CEO/CTO/Founder/President/VP, Diversity, Grad Students, Interns & Employment, Leadership, Women Engineers Rebecca Parsons: Software, Hardware, and Evolving Architecture Author Carlyn Chatfield Date December 5, 2018 “There is a common perception that once you go to work, you never go...
1980s, Alumni, Interns & Employment, Leadership, Undergrad Students Peter Taggart: CS and a Life Unexpected Author Carlyn Chatfield Date November 28, 2018 “Math was a strong point for me in high school, but I was more...
1980s, Alumni, CEO/CTO/Founder/President/VP, Interns & Employment, Leadership, Product, Undergrad Students Anand Malani: from Telecom to CEO Author Carlyn Chatfield Date October 3, 2018 “I was 21 years old, and telecom had a buzz about it,” said Anand...
1980s, Alumni, Interns & Employment, Leadership, Startups, Undergrad Students John Q. Smith: from Pascal to Airbnb Plus Author Carlyn Chatfield Date August 9, 2018 In 1978, John Travolta had jumped from Saturday Night Fever to Grease, and a...
2000s, Alumni, CEO/CTO/Founder/President/VP, Entrepreneurs, Hacking, Interns & Employment, Leadership, Product, Startups, Undergrad Students Yan-David Erlich: Serial Entrepreneur Author Carlyn Chatfield Date April 2, 2018 “As an entrepreneur, the hardest move is taking the first step. After that, people...