1980s, Alumni, Faculty, Grad Students, Research The Many Hats of Hausi Müller Author Carlyn Chatfield Date April 12, 2018 Hausi Müller has been a software engineering professor at the University of Victoria since...
2010s, Courses, Diversity, Research, Undergrad Students, Women Engineers Sophia Jefferson: Career Exploration Author Carlyn Chatfield Date April 11, 2018 Sophia Jefferson is a student who takes advantage of the opportunities Rice University has...
2010s, Data Science, Diversity, Research, Undergrad Students Carlos Monroy’s Data Science Tavola Author Carlyn Chatfield Date April 10, 2018 Carlos Monroy was eating lunch in front of his computer when the word “tavola”...
2010s, Grad Students, Research Keliang He: Thriving in Graduate School Author Carlyn Chatfield Date April 9, 2018 Sometimes, a simple question launches a career in robotics. “One of my college professors...
2000s, Alumni, CEO/CTO/Founder/President/VP, Entrepreneurs, Grad Students, Interns & Employment, Product, Research Ajay Gulati: CS Researcher and Entrepreneur Author Carlyn Chatfield Date April 9, 2018 Since October 2008, Rice University CS Ph.D. alumnus Ajay Gulati, co-founder and CTO at...
2010s, Presentations, Research Jia Zou: PlinyCompute helps Programmers Author Carlyn Chatfield Date March 27, 2018 Jia Zou, a research scientist at Rice University, enjoys the creative possibilities CS has...
2000s, Alumni, Faculty, Grad Students, Research, Undergrad Students Alan Mislove on Measurement, Security, and Privacy Author Carlyn Chatfield Date March 26, 2018 “Math is sort of the family business,” said Alan Mislove, who had planned...
2000s, Alumni, Grad Students, Interns & Employment, Research Anshu Dasgupta’s Fascination with Compilers Author Carlyn Chatfield Date March 19, 2018 Anshu Dasgupta ’09 knows a thing or two about compilers. The Rice University Computer...
2010s, Alumni, Awards, Grad Students, Research, Undergrad Students Brett Gutstein: Using CS to Improve Lives Author Carlyn Chatfield Date March 6, 2018 Brett Gutstein might recently be known for winning a prestigious Gates Cambridge Scholarship for...
2010s, Research Didier Devaurs’ Interdisciplinary Focus Author Carlyn Chatfield Date February 19, 2018 Didier Devaurs, a postdoctoral research associate at Rice University, has a passion for interdisciplinary...